Scientifically Perfect

Ever since I was a boy I often observed how those who claimed great titles used those titles to convince many people of things that were contrary to the truth, or politically correct, or as my father described in the medical field, were "medical fads." (For a long time many doctors used Cordisone for nearly everything. Later they discovered that it permanently rotted away peoples' joints.) Furthermore, I watched many people allow themselves to be deceived simply because they felt that they were not qualified to question such "authorities." (I believe people have often held doctors in much too high regard.) If my education has taught me anything, or if I have learned anything by rubbing shoulders with highly educated people – at least the lesson that I am most grateful for – is to not take the conclusions of my fellow man too seriously before looking into the matter myself and ascertaining the quality of thought, or maybe even the motive, that was used to reach the result. I find that I am comfortable with the highly educated, even as Moses must have been as a result of growing up and receiving an education in Pharaoh's home, even as his child. Yet sometimes, quite honestly, I am more comfortable with the "peasant folk" on my missionary trips to Ukraine villages and to the natives of Siberia. Many times there is more honesty on the street than in the laboratory (or in the church, or in the office of any other professional establishment.) Pride can be blinding. We must be discerning and prudent when dealing with the "experts." We are all simply men, and in that regard we are equals.
If you want to measure the Bible with the plumb line of science you must choose beforehand to be honest, and to trust your common sense. Many conclusions that are taken for granted in the name of "science" and which have been popularly recorded and distributed by journalists, and qualified by "experts," are drawn without common sense, or simply to support a hidden agenda. Measuring the Bible by the plumb line of science is not a difficult technical endeavor. It is simply a matter of honestly seeing if the words and descriptions in the Bible line up with what one observes and discovers in the creation. Most of this simply takes a little common sense. If new conclusions are drawn in the fields of science, by all means wait and watch and allow the to be tested. The Bible has been tested for millennia, and has endured to attacks of many "scientific" discoveries as man's knowledge has increased. I have yet to find any lasting contradiction.