
How Do We Know The Bible Is The Word Of God?
IV.Testing the Divinity of the Bible:
1) Reliability
Scientifically - is the author fully knowledgeable with creation?
Is the Bible accurate in its description of the created universe? As man observes the universe to greater and greater degrees, has the Bible proved to be consistent with observations over time, both micro and macro?
Conscientiously - is the author holy?
Does your own conscience created within you bear record with that which is written in the Bible? Rom 1:19 If God's laws were not written on man's heart with the very creation, would the "conscience" of man be the same across every culture and nation? Would there be any universal sense of "right" and "wrong"? If the Biblical standard is of God it must correspond.
Historically - past - is the author knowledgeable with history?
Is the Bible historically accurate? Even from the beginning when the authors were not present?
Prophetically - future - is the author sovereign over time?
Is the Bible prophetically accurate? What is the possibility for the Bible to be accurate of future events if not of Divine origin?
Mathematically - is the author sovereign over creation?
Principally - Ps 19, Rm 1 - is the author wise?
According to the Bible both the creation and the Word are testimonies of the principles and divine attributes of God. Is the Bible consistent with the creation in its testimony of the character of God?
Gen 1 - The stars are given for signs and seasons
Rom 1:20 - God's invisible attributes, eternal power, and divine nature are evident in the creation.
Marriage - Relationship
Family; Mother/Father; children
Design, Authority, Responsibility, Ownership, Suffering
Cause and Effect-Laws
God's Infiniteness - majestic and intimate and eternal
Thematically - Does the author have a purpose for mankind in history?
The Bible has been written by many authors over the course of many centuries and many cultures. Thematically is it consistent? Or do the themes change and reflect the purposes of the different authors and cultures? Obvious themes? Subtle themes?
1) Man's need for salvation from the judgment of sin.
2) God's promise to provide for a Savior.
3) God's desire for a people to Himself as a Bride.
4) God's warning of and man's preparation for a judgment.
5) God's Law and promise of blessing to those who obey.
2) Biblically - No room for "Maybe"
a) The Bible makes claim to its own Divine origin.
Isa 55:11, Matt 5:18, Jn 10:35, 2 Tim 3:16, 2 Pet 1:21
b) Yeshua makes claim to Divine origin.
a) He forgave sins - Jn 5
b) He healed the sick and raised the dead - Jn 11:40
d) He preached good news to the poor
e) He claimed to be I AM, and to exist before Abraham - Jn 8:58