Prophetically Perfect

The Bible Must Be…
Prophetically Perfect
There are many books that claim to be from God, presented through men or angels. However, the Bible stands out among them all in telling the future with an accuracy that is unarguably divine. There is no other book that has the audacity to foretell the future quite like the Bible. All books that have even tried have been proved false in time. Yet, after nearly 4000 years the Bible still stands untarnished in its integrity. In fact, it is the very course of history revealed that proves over and over that the Bible is authored by God.
There are far too many references in the Bible that foretell the future to be able to list here. My purpose here is only to give the reader a view of the magnitude of the unspeakable wonder that is presented through prophetic utterances in scripture. To do so I divide the prophetic verses into five different categories simply to allow the reader to be overwhelmed five times rather than once. The reality of the magnitude of the phenomena is so miraculous that it is actually incomprehensible and often lost to us completely. As finite humans we actually overlook it, simply because we cannot grasp the glory of what God has revealed through His biblical prophecies. To illustrate, let me use one example. When we look into the stars at night and try to think of the magnitude of the universe before us we come up short. We simply cannot comprehend it. We do not relate to such distances, any more than Noah related to rain (before the flood), or King David to airplanes. Even though we know that those stars are so far from us, and are in fact so incredibly great a distance from one another, to enjoy them we simply relax our mind and view the beautiful scene as if it were a confined, spherical bubble around the earth. We often think of the stars as simply relative to one another in distance according to what our eyes are telling us. In spite of the fact that our brain tells us otherwise, it is simply too difficult to conceive the reality of what is there. It is the same when we try to imagine the atom, its sub-particles, the number of them in our fingernail, and the relative distances between them. So it is also with the overwhelming wonder of the prophecies that have, or are, coming true in scripture.
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